A word from our chairperson.


Hello and welcome to waterford citys only online support and information for unmarried and seperated fathers and their children.

here you can obtain the latest informaton available in relation to access custody maintanance guarianship and your rights and obligations under irish family law system. you will be able to down load court applications and other information available to assist with any issue that you may be experienceing.

 you wll be able to read article from other stories from  father's and their children who have been trough the irish judical system.

we will in due course have links to irish constitution, european constituton, hauge convention, and publications relating to childrens law in ireland and ECHR, we will endevour to keep our information up to date for your convience.

FACT abreivates for Fathers And Children Together and was formed by a number of fathers who have suffered emotional distruction following their fight to retain their relationship with their children. we believe that it is every child's right to have an equal relationship with both their parent's. our misson is to lobby our justice dept to ensure full utilisation of free accessable services such as family medation services, parent mentoring, and child mentoring services, child wefare conference and guardian-ad-litieum are more adopted by our courts when dealing with family law cases. we are seking the removal of the incamera rule to make the courts more transparent, we will seek to have family law cases brought before the family law courts are dealt with in a minimal time frame we often ask a question what damage is been inflicted on children caught up in a legal parental dispute that is tied up in the court system for a 3 to 7 year period do family cases need to spend such a lenghty period in the courts.

the bigest victim in all family law procedings are the children so when you find yourself in a legal seperation think about allternative methods to resove your issues before walking trough the doors of your local courts, where is the most damage been done who will suffer the hardest impact and what are the long term implications on your child or children by poceeding trough our legal sytem.


we hope that you can fnd this web page useful and informative.





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